DB Logistic Sp. Z o.o. striving to achieve continuous customer satisfaction and ensuring the highest quality of services provided, has adopted the following quality policy:
“We provide our clients with the highest quality services, which guarantees stability and high market position”
Our quality policy is implemented through the following goals:
– striving to increase customer satisfaction with the quality of services offered,
– identification of customers’ needs and providing them with services at the highest level,
– active participation of all employees in planning and achieving quality goals,
– improving the qualifications of employees,
– cooperation with qualified suppliers,
– continuous development and improvement of processes,
Striving for continuous improvement of the quality of services provided by conscientious compliance with the above-mentioned provisions is the responsibility of each employee.
The President of the Management Board actively participates in achieving the set goals, with a fully conscious commitment to provide adequate resources, within the limits of the available means.
Our Quality Policy is a declaration of the President of the Management Board to increase efforts, in all areas of activity, aimed at improving the organizational system and the quality of services offered.
Each employee is responsible for the development of the quality management system and knows and respects the assumptions of this policy.
Naszą firmę idealnie charakteryzują słowa: „innowacyjność i profesjonalizm”. Kim jesteśmy? Jesteśmy profesjonalistami, którzy na pierwszym miejscu stawiają uczciwość, szacunek i pracę zespołową.